seriously. i was on my way to the lecture and it just fell out of the tree and landed square on my right shoulder. hurt like hell. i screamed like a girl (but what did you expect). i'll probably have a bruise. my shoulder stands might suffer (and they have been fabulous lately).
so i've just waited 15 minutes to load this page and log in - so needless to say i probably won't be doing it again real soon. i actually wrote a really long post on monday, just before i came to the ashram, but when i tried to post it the browser crashed. i saved the text to a file and re-booted, i ran norton anti-virus (which found hundreds of infected files that it could not fix), i tried saving the text in an e-mail, but i couldn't send e-mail. suffice to say i'm a little fed up with computers right now. computers are stupid.
anyhow- i'm here, at the ashram. the first day i was feeling really lost and confused most of the time. today i'm just tired. it's pretty scheduled, we don't have much free time. which has it's good points and bad points... our daily schedule is generally:
5:30 wake up bell
6:00 satsang (group meditation, chanting, and talk)
7:30 tea
8:00 yoga class
10:00 lunch
11:00 karma yoga (ashram code for chores)
12:00 lecture
1:30 tea
2:00 coaching class (optional- if you're having trouble with a pose)
3:30 yoga class
6:00 dinner
8:00 satsang
10:30 lights out
so the early morning wasn't so bad the first day, but i'd had a good night's rest the night before. this morning i was quite tired. the satsang is an experience... probably my least favorite part of the whole thing. i have a lot of trouble with meditation. i like the idea of it, but mine is a mind that wanders... constantly, randomly, quickly. i tried just sitting there thinking (we meditate for 1/2 an hour) but that makes the time go slower, i think.
the chanting is kind of like singing in church. only i have no idea what the words are. there's lots of clapping and tambourines... classic new-agey stuff. then is a little talk from the head chick (i always think about "the leader" from the simpson's - look! another leader bean!) about whatever. sometimes interesting, sometimes she just rambles on and on.
the best part by far is the yoga class. it's challenging and interesting and we do the class near this beautiful lake. i'm feeling a little sore, but in a good way. we're starting kind of slow, and adding new poses everyday.
though we only eat 2 times a day there is loads of food - they come around like 5 times to see if you want more of this or that (the food is all vegetarian and mysterious - i mostly don't know what things are - but it usually tastes good). and so i eat plenty at every meal (with only my bare hand, i'll have lost all table manners by the time i come home). but i am still hungry later... i think i require more frequent feedings. i'll manage, i'm sure.
the lecture is just more of the "leader bean" talking about random things. i spend most of the time trying to be comfortable sitting on a stone floor. the karma yoga is no big deal. so far i've had to sweep the meditation room and clean the toilets.
so really, i like the yoga. the rest is bit too new age for me. i read that there would be an ayervedic doctor here, but apparently not at this time (it is low season). however, they have a library here. so i'm reading some books about ayerveda and yoga.
well, i've got another hour before yoga, and have barely had time to write in my journal, we are very busy mostly and the "leader bean" is long winded and often runs over. tonight we are going to some sort of local festival in the town, should be interesting. i may post again before i leave, but definitely not this week.
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